
Monday, November 25, 2013

Etsy Favorites, Holiday Edition

Hello all! Sorry for the radio silence since last week. I have been busy with orders and bulking up the shop for the holidays while Josh has been finishing up his chiropractic/nutrition counseling website so he can get back to work. The good news is that after a year of planning and DIY remodeling at our house, the downstairs space is finally ready to be a treatment office. The bad news is I still haven't finished the final touches needed for the "After" photos, so sadly those will probably wait until we return from five days of Thanksgiving and family hang out time in Boston.

But moving on...

It's been a while since I've posted an Etsy Favorites list on the blog, but there have been so many beautiful holiday items on the site recently that I felt inspired to pull together at least a small collection. I find myself drawn to the folk art and Scandinavian themed holiday items, as they remind me of the decorations used at my house as a child.  My mother collected East German handmade holiday items similar to the Christmas carousel below, and we always had lots of twinkling string lights, advent calendars and Christmas crackers, vintage and antique folk ornaments on the tree, and blue and white English china on her red table cloth. This is the first time in 31 years that I won't be home for Christmas, so this list is a little bit of an ode to my childhood home during the holidays. Mom and dad, I will be missing you like crazy this year!

Handmade Wind Chimes $25 Christmas Cracker, $18 Swedish Dala Horse, $52
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Pleated String Lights, $224 Handmade Menorah, $18 Vintage Table Runner, $58
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Festive Washi Tape, $3.50 Custom Family Illustration Greeting Card, $250 Vintage Erzgebirge Christmas Carousel, $152.50

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