
Monday, March 10, 2014


Over the past few months I have been dealing with some personal changes that culminated in my moving back to Boston last week. At some point I may be at a place where I can share more about it, but for now I hope you can all forgive me for taking a break from the blog while I regroup and heal. My shop remains open and will probably be more important for me than ever.

The most sincere thank you goes out to everyone who has followed, commented, or connected in any way along this journey. In many ways, the blog has kept me going over the past year and a half. It truly and honestly makes my day each time readers reach out to share in my world, and I am so honored by the little glimpses many of you have given me into yours. I hope that will continue once I regain my footing and come back to this space.

Stay in touch, and hope to see you back here soon --



  1. Hoping for the very very best for you.

  2. I enjoyed it a lot reading your little stories and seeing the beautiful pictures. It always felt like escaping the city myself and often made my day a litte better :) in return I hope that my good wishes will help you through these changing times. I'm sure you have the strength to find the right way. Hope to read from you soon, Carina

  3. thinking of you… hoping everything works out for you, even if it takes some time. you're a warm, kind and thoughtful person and it shows through in everything you do. xoxo.

  4. I love your blog and store. You have been an inspiration to me to follow my dreams, and regardless of what you are you are going through, you seem to always find the grace to deal with it. Stay strong and keep writing. Hope to hear more from you soon. ((hugs)).

  5. Claire, you and your lovely blog have been a huge inspiration to me. I came across it about a year ago and fell in love with your story. Even the simplest task you wrote about seemed interesting and like having tea with a friend. Thank you for sharing your stories. I hope the changes in your life will bring you much peace. Suzanne.

  6. I hope it is equally comforting for you to know that we are grateful for talents and thoughts you have shared.

  7. Dear Claire,

    I first came across you and your blog through your "Quit Your Day Job" profile on Etsy. I'm also a vintage seller there, and when I saw your profile back when I was just starting out, I found it very inspiring and relatable (and I was living in Boston at the time). It really stuck with me. I found your blog through that and have been a loyal reader since. I've never commented or reached out in any way until now. Although I don't know you, I admire you very much and have really enjoyed reading your blog. I'm so sorry you're going through a difficult time, and just wanted to voice that.



  8. Hi, Claire,

    I wish you the very best--I always enjoy reading our blog because you are so refreshingly honest--
    You are a lovely person Claire, and just know I only wish the best for you in this trying time. Giving you a big, warm, comforting internet hug!

    Carol Joy

  9. Claire, I'm so sorry to hear of your recent changes. I too, discovered your shop and blog through Etsy. Like many have said, you've been such an inspiration and breath of fresh air and I truly looked forward to your blog posts! I'm hoping these changes will bring you clarity and peace.

    All the best,

  10. Oh Claire, My heart goes out to you for whatever you are going through and I pray for comfort, healing and peace for you. I always look forward to your blog posts and often felt like we were long distance friends even though we have never met. I wish there was more I could do or say for you.

  11. I too am moving out of my home of 24 years this weekend, I strongly suspect for similar reasons as yours. We're both going to survive and thrive-- hang in there, best wishes, and warm hugs from Florida.

  12. Claire,
    I've been following your blog for quite some time and feel like I've gotten to know you though we never met. You are a very strong, caring, independent woman. You will get through this difficult time with grace and strength.

  13. Dear Claire, wishing you the best of luck with the next part of your journey. I've been reading your blog from Wales now for some time and have been inspired by your writing, photography and dreams for the future. Hang on in there.

  14. Dear Claire, best wishes to you: from someone who is in a situation where it looked as though my partner would be leaving the house (up until recently), I sincerely hope you find your joy.

  15. Dear Claire, As a fellow Etsy vintage seller, I have followed your shop and blog since you were featured in etsy's Quit Your Day Job". I have both looked up to you and rooted for your success, and I will continue to do so! Sending hugs and wishing you peace and joy.


  16. I'm so sorry. I moved out of the house my husband and I shared a little over a year ago... and oh, Claire, I just feel for you. I've enjoyed following along and reading about your adventures and plans. I wish you... something. I wish you peace. I wish you calm. I wish you love and optimism and strength.

  17. I hope this works out however it needs to for you, Ms. Claire. I enjoy both your shop and your blog. ~Jen

  18. Hi Claire,

    Thank you for your update. I have to say to that I have to agree with you. As the old adage says "change is always constant". Good to know there are some changes and updates on your blog. Looking forward to hearing more from you soon. Thanks.


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